a blink of eye

ChaumMian CoinJoin

在 bitcoin 上基于一个不可信第三方进行混币

Taproot Asset 快速上手体验

在 Polar 上运行 Taproot Asset

当用户相信 Defi 与 传统金融服务具有相同的安全性时会发生什么?

defi in real world

Byzantine Consensus under Static Peer Assumption

Notes fot Foundations of Distributed Consensus and Blockchains by Elaine Shi

如何利用 zk-snark 解决 Mental Poker 问题

Solving Mental Poker Problems using Modern zk-SNARK Proofs

MIT xv6 design from user prespective

this is description

xv6 file system

a quick overview of xv6 7 layer file system


install and config ubuntu on inspiron 7590


some illusion after a dream